Author: administer_007

Album pre-production

A few months ago we got approached by London based singer/songwriter James Broughton who was interested in doing a song or EP with us. Since then we had several fantastic songwriting and >album<...

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Piano recordings

Grand piano recordings are always something special. Especially if you do it on-location, in a great old theatre. French artist Kat May is here for her album production and we helped a little...

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CousCous made it!!

They made it!! Thank you all for your help! CousCous' song Feathers will be featured on the official sampler of the German Musikmesse (one of the biggest music fairs in the world) and the...

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Vote for CousCous

Please help our friends from CousCous to get on the biggest music sampler in Germany. Over 800 bands applied, only 30 are left, about 15 will be picked - and they could be one of them. All you...

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone, we hope you had a great start too. Apart from some editing we've been taking it very easy and will be back in a few days to start with sessions again. 2014 is looking...

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