Category: Uncategorized

Catching up

Because of the new studio we are spending a lot of time on planning, building, designing things... Nevertheless, we are mixing another new track of I am Harlequin which is more of a Remix than...

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New studio

Apart from finishing the new I am Harlequin track and some Aurora J Young edits we were secretly working on our next big project - another studio. It might take some time since we wanna do it...

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Back in the studio

   Tine, former front singer of the Trip Hop band _preen came all the way from Germany to record 4 tracks for the upcoming EP of her new project. We also recorded another track for...

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Strings and things

Apart from finishing the CASPER live DVD mixes, finishing lead vocals for Aurora and working on the the Frixtion single we had a great string recording session for 2econdclasscitizen. Jenny...

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  ...we found some time to record vocals for Aurora's upcoming album/EP. It went really well and we got three tracks done in less than one day. Now some more background vocals, harmonies...

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